Publications in 2015

  • Cuevas, J. M., Willemsen, A., Hillung, J., Zwart, M. P., & Elena, S. F.: Temporal Dynamics of Intrahost Molecular Evolution for a Plant RNA Virus. Molecular biology and evolution, msv028 (2015)

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  • Rudan M, Schneider D, Warnecke T, Krisko A.: RNA chaperones buffer deleterious mutations in E. coli. Barkai N, ed. eLife. 2015;4:e04745. doi:10.7554/eLife.04745 (2015)

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  • Hillung, J., Cuevas, J.M., Elena, S.F.: Evaluating the within-host fitness effects of mutations fixed during virus adaptation to different ecotypes of a new host. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. B In press.

  • Yoram Vadée-le-Brun, Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas, Guillaume Beslon: Epigenetic inheritance speeds up evolution of artificial organisms. To appear in the proceedings of ECAL 2015, York (UK), July 2015. MIT Press.

  • Paul S. Andrews, Susan Stepney. A metamodel for the evolution of evolution. To appear in the proceedings of ECAL 2015, York (UK), July 2015. MIT Press.

  • Simon Hickinbotham, Susan Stepney. Conservation of matter drives open-ended evolution. To appear in the proceedings of ECAL 2015, York (UK), July 2015. MIT Press.

  • Simon Hickinbotham, Susan Stepney. Environmental bias forces parasitism in Tierra To appear in the proceedings of ECAL 2015, York (UK), July 2015. MIT Press.

  • Sergio Peignier, Guillaume Beslon, Christophe Rigotti. Subspace clustering using evolvable genome structure. To appear in the proceedings of GECCO 2015, Madrid (Spain), July 2015

EvoEvo is an Information and Communication Technologies initiative funded by the European Commission under FP7.
Background image - Young Tree, 1932, Paul Klee